Sunday, May 29, 2005

Plugging the leaks

NDTV has been reporting all day today that two people have been arrested for leaking DCE entrance exam papers, which turned out to be fakes. For more details, click here.

I've got a simple question. Why do they have to be arrested? In fact, we need a whole lot of such people on the ground. If there were many fake question papers circulating, candidates wanting to buy such papers would be confused if the one they've got is a fake, and also if they have to choose among many versions, they've got to put in a lot more money.

For the past few years, quite a few entrance papers have been leaked and the attention of the authorities and media has been focused on how to prevent leaks in the future. The two accused in this particular case should be commended for having come up with an ingenious way to solve this problem. Ensuring there is no leak is too costly and almost impossible in our present system. So the market should be flooded with as many question papers as possible. That seems the easier way out, doesnt it?

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